My chosen film opening from 'Art of The Title' was fight club, as usual the opening starts with the distribution and production companies credits. This opening sequence is very stylised and seems to be heavily edited throughout. There are various impulses of light during the opening sequence in which looks to be electricity pulses. The camera seems to be pulling through what appears to be inside of a brain which then pulls out through the front of the characters nasal passage and up to what looks to be a gun. This then shows a man who looks to be the dominant character at the beginning of the sequence as he has another character up against the wall with a gun to his head. The impulses of light or electricity may imply the characters fear. We are then introduced to this character as the audience encounter the real world. The sound of the opening sequence of fight club creates suspense and builds tension, in which engages us as the audience.
The type of camera angels of this opening has really inspired our group because we were thinking of doing a similar type of shot in which the camera pulls backwards spontaneously in which looks as though time is fast forwarding. Another aspect of this opening in which inspired me as an individual was the stylised font, as this is something I wish to consider in preparation of my groups opening thriller sequence.
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