Saturday, 14 January 2012

Genre and Sub-Genre

 Here we have two different types of sub genres. The on the left shows us that it is comedy by have having Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy. Moreover we have the cast standing on a building which is tilted sideways which shows connotation of comedy.
  On the other hand, the poster below has a contrast of light, "Tower Heist" has a very bright background while "The Others" has a very dark background. Furthermore, "the others" has fiery and unclear font displaying and horror genre. What also tells us its a horror is the facial expression on the woman's face. She looks scared and worried.

Genre categorises films to differentiate the type of content suitable for different audiences. For example, a political film will attract adults as they like politics and horror films will intrigue teenagers as they enjoy being scared for fun. The reason we have genres is because when a person wants to watch a film they know what to expect and watch something of their taste.

Sub-Genre is two genres combined. One popular genre that is put together with other genres is thriller and The sub genres are, action thriller, crime thriller, comedy thriller, horror thriller, political thriller, and romance thriller.

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