Genre refers to the similarities based on the context of a film, a film in which shares a similar plot/theme, may be categorised into the same genre. For example the genre Horror, films such as, 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Final Destination' come under this category. This genre may trigger a target audience of teens as they like to be scared. The genre of a film allows the audience to interpret what the film will be based on and allows the audience to pick and choose a genre of their taste rather than them not enjoying a film at all.
Sub - Genre
A Sub - Genre combines two different genres into one film. They are more likely to gain a wider audience therefore a large profit at box offices. Some examples of Sub - Genre Thrillers are as follows:
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Target audience: 12+
Key signifiers?
Women has been foregrounded therefore may imply women are in power, rather than being male orientated. Both character are dressed formally. The text 'central intelligence' informs us the film has something to do with the CIA. the tanks in the background imply 'fair game' is political. the font 'game' is presented in red signifying danger. the tagline, 'MOTHER. WIFE. SPY' immediately suggests to the audience the film is a spy, political, thriller. Also the text located on the top of the poster tells us this is also the director from 'The Bourne Identity' which brings them an inherited audience.
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