Saturday, 21 January 2012

Prelim - Editing

The editing of the final product really helped our group as we found many aspects in which we struggled. This then allowed us to reflect upon the process of editing and to overcome problems which may occur during the editing in the future.

The fonts in which we used for the title sequence of our prelim was: 'Adobe casion pro' as we thought this best suited the opening of our prelim as a whole.

Some areas in which our group struggled to produce were the positioning of the credits. The credits was a struggle because we didn't want them to skip over diffrent cuts as it made ther product look messy and unprofessional. To position the credits and make them not skip over scenes was very tricky as there was minimal time of each cut. Also when we added an effect to each credit this also made the credit come accross the timeframe as more longer in whch made the credit skip from different cuts. Our group decided to leave out the effects due to to problem they caused. This is something that our group may takwe into consideration when comming to the planning and preoperation of our official film production  exercise. However we did manage to position the credits on one shot although we had to leave out the effects in the process, although this wont be the case during the official product as we would be more prepared for the problems which may arise.

After we finished the editing of our prelim we then used soundtrack pro in order to create a multi layered sound for effect. We used foley sounds in order to create a realistic sound of certain aspects of the prelim,   however we did use traffic noises during pauses of dialogue to create silence. The use of silence creates suspense and engages the audience. Overall we did not have many difficulties and were able to finish our final product successfully. One weakness i could comment on would be finding the correct sounds for effect.

During the process of producing the prelim we found that the available sounds from soundtrack pro were too artificial, therefore we decided to create our own foley sounds, for example; footsteps on a concrete surface, on a carpet. In addition, the sound of the door knob and chair creaks. We have used foley sounds in order to create a clear, realistic sound in order to achieve our purpose.

Here is one of the foley sounds in which we created in, which has a more realistic sound of footsteps on a hard surface.

Overall during the editing process we didn't come across many problems although, the problems in which we did will help us in the future when editing our final product for our opening of a thriller.

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