Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation - Question 7.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

In our preliminary exercise our task we used various camera angles and shots In order to create an effective scene In which we used low angle shots during the conversation scene in which the patient was looked down on to portray vulnerability. Also a series of close ups were used for example the close up of the door handle and the patient to show there facial expressions which portrayed their feelings and thoughts.

Preliminary close ups:

Final film close up:

Compared to our final film opening our grouped gained a better understanding of the use of camera shots and how to portray a characters status therefore before we went out to film we chose different camera angle in which we may use to portray a character a low status. For example we used a low angle shot of the victim being dragged. Other camera angles used were match cuts and close ups. The match cut was used to how the towel being thrown over the victims body. Also close ups were used to show the antagonists feelings and emotions.
Match cut

One particular problem we had with the prelim was getting the titles to fit in with shots before they changed which we found quite difficult, therefore in the final filming of our thriller opening we decided to use titles over a black screen in which allowed us to build tension and suspense therefore keeping the audience on edge.

In our preliminary exercise are task was to show our understanding of the 180 degree rule in which I think we did quite well for example the over the shoulder shots were kept to the character right shoulder and therefore not breaking the 180 degree rule. In our final media product we also used our understanding of the 180 degree rule therefore we also kept the camera on the left side of the chapel in which the dragging of the body was filmed.

180 degree rule used in preliminary

180 degree used in final media product

In the preliminary of our product we did not use any particular sound apart from dialogue in which the conversation between the psychiatrist and patient was going on. However in our final media product we used soundtrack pro in order to create the sound for our final media product, we used Foley sounds in order to create a realistic scene. Also we used non-diegietic sound in order to create an atmospheric scene, which added to the suspense of our thriller. In addition the sound also worked well in time with our titles in which builds tension.

In addition we used a more complex range of editing techniques than we did in our preliminary such as the cross over fades and the opacity effects.

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