Friday 2 March 2012

Arlington Road - Title Sequence Remake

This is our remake of the title sequence of Arlington Road. In class, we'd watched various clips of opening titles to films. Our task, using FinalCut Pro, was to place the opening titles to Arlington Road in chronological order and then edit the opening and ad our own titles. We had to include all the commercial information such as the production company, distribution company, film title, director, main characters, editor, producer, music composer/artist and writer. We had to make sure that we got that information in the correct order, like in a real film. We knew how to do this from all the different film openings we'd watched in class and did it in a similar way.    

Once we decided on the titles and their order, we had to focus on the font of the text, the position of the font, where in the clip it would be placed and the colour/s we would use. 
The clip below is the alternative opening titles that we have created to give the film a more interesting opening from the original.

In our version, we have decided to place our production company in the first scene when we see a blurry video. This works very well because it helps the text of the production company stand out and the blurriness represents the boy's point of view. We have used the colour red for the font in our remake of Arlington Road. This not only connotates danger but also help to make the information in the titles stand out.  

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